
“A vision without a plan is just a dream.
A plan without a vision is just drudgery.
But a vision with a plan can change the world.”


Inspired by the work and philosophy of Laurie Baker a group of architects and engineers, experimenting with alternatives in architecture. Exploring concepts of holistic development, through ventures in housing, organic farming, tourism, for the past 17 years. Our clients have been NGOs, Government departments and the private sector representing tourism, housing, institutional and educational sectors.


We believe… the world needs an enormous number of new Innovators, Change Agents, and Transformers, all dedicated to turning Development in the direction of sustainability.
We should present a positive opportunity for all who interact with us, encouraging creativity, learning and growth, and nurturing of a deep appreciation of the gift of life.


A team is “a group of people who need one another to take action” – Peter Senge.
architects, engineers, crafts persons, and individuals who are hands-on, willing to multi-task, and passionate about what they do.
thinking out of the box and the spirit to run that extra mile, are characteristics of those who have fitted into our team, and added their unique flavor to it. .  each individual finds his/her niche in the organization, and does what they are best at. work in small decentralized groups
the strength of our organization lies in positive group dynamics


To create a sustainable society... by building a community of individuals with a strong commitment to following the holistic approach to bring about change through experiments which consolidate modern thinking and  technology with traditional concepts of living and working.

The Team

The initiators

Mathew Varghese and Stanley George

Leading the group to diverse spheres, with their passion and enthusiasm for new ventures. They are the motivating spirit behind the team.

The innovators

Jeeth K Iype and Vinod Cyriac

Translate new ideas into architecture, by innovating and responding to each context. Leading the group of young and talented architects at Good Earth, they inspire the team by giving them a free hand at their works, and making room for individual expressions while tapping the group’s potential.

The implementation people

Binu K. Jose and Benny M. T.

Ensuring that the projects are executed with technical accuracy and quality, they truly believe that “God is in the details”. With their hands-on style, they lead the construction team, by effectively being tough yet motivating, they execute the projects with their perfectionism and an excellent sense of aesthetics.

The support group

Muralidhar M N

Managing the finances at Good Earth, ensuring they are used optimally, for the projects, at execution level, and as investments.

Partner with us

Good Earth Entrepreneur: Develop your property into an eco-community, or an appropriate alternative usage, according to market trends.  We are looking for entrepreneurs to work with us, for potential joint ventures. We ensure that the partnership is mutually fair to all the stakeholders, and the experience beneficial, financially and adds value to the concerned asset. Some of our existing projects are a result of successful joint ventures, with individuals and groups

Join Good Earth:

Be a part of the Good Earth Team, if you are willing to multi task, are a people person, and are willing to run that extra mile. Openings are created for exceptional talent and passion. Openings available